Embodied Boundary Skills

July 24th-August 14th

Your boundaries matter… Without them, you lose yourself.

When you learn about boundaries, you’ll frequently hear people talk about knowing, communicating or enforcing them. These are important skills, but they miss a big piece: What happens inside of you, before all of that.

Your body has all kinds of wisdom about what is and isn’t okay for you.

Often we get tangled up, not knowing how to listen to this wisdom, or not being clear about what we have a right to ask for or stand for. You may find that you only know your boundaries after they’ve been crossed, when you lash out, shut down or disassociate.

But what if you could tell what a boundary feels like, as it arises?

👉 What if you could discern sooner, what is and isn’t okay with you?
👉 What if there was more space to notice, to have clarity, and to add nuance to your boundaries?
👉 What if you had the tools to get crystal clear about the exact shape of your boundaries, and could meet others with grace and honesty?

This is what Embodied Boundary Skills is all about. In this 4-week course, we will practice the skills of noticing, discerning, honoring and trusting our boundaries as they arise.

You will learn:

  • What you have a right to, really and truly, no matter what
  • A clear map of where your responsibilities with other people begin and end
  • The difference between a boundary, a rule, and a limit (and why these matter)
  • Your body’s specific cues when it is trying to tell you something
  • What to ask for when you don’t know what your boundary is
  • The 3 things that underlie almost all boundary uncertainty
  • Practical tools to explore your boundary “gray zones,” safely and effectively

Class Details

  • When: Wednesdays, July 24th-August 14th from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm PT
  • Format: 4 online meetings – recorded
  • Platforms: Teachable + Zoom
  • Homework: Minimal

Join us for an exploration of boundaries that will change how you relate, forever. Register now to secure your spot in class!

Your Instructor

Marcia Baczynski
Marcia Baczynski

Marcia Baczynski, aka Marcia B, (she/her) is an internationally-recognized coach, writer and presenter on sexual communication, boundaries, consent and desire. Her primary mission is to help adults who want more connection and intimacy to overcome shame and get in touch with what they truly want – romantically, sexually and relationally – even if it’s off the beaten path.

She is the co-author of Creating Consent Culture: A Handbook for Educators which can be purchased at most major booksellers.

Marcia brings wisdom, humor, and creativity to all aspects of her work, and offers a fresh perspective on love, sex and relationships. With expertise in boundaries, communication, open relationships, LGBTQ+ experiences and sex positivity, she helps her clients chart an authentic path for themselves. Since 2003, she has helped tens of thousands of people through her private coaching, workshops and group programs.

Course Curriculum

  Call Recordings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resources and Notes
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?
This course is open to adults of any gender and sexual orientation who want to better understand how their boundaries work. It is an educational program, and not a substitute for therapy.
When does the course start and finish?
Course meetings take place on Zoom on Wednesdays at 5:30 PT, and will last for 2 hours. Dates: July 24, July 31, Aug 7, Aug 14 Timezones: 8:30 pm ET, 7:30 CT, 6:30 pm MT Each class will meet on Zoom and will be recorded.
How long do I have access to the course materials?
Your access lasts for 120 days after the course ends - across any and all devices you own!
Where do the classes meet?
We meet on Zoom! You will get the link a few days before the first class. Each class will be recorded and uploaded to Teachable.
I'm a private person. Do I have to share my personal information in class?
The work we are doing together is really about self-reflection. While there will be plenty of opportunities to share insights and talk about discoveries during our meetings, it's all on your own terms. You do not have to share anything at all for all four weeks if you don't want to! You can ask questions anonymously, and participation is entirely optional. (You can even attend anonymously if that is a concern for you.)
What is the refund policy?
There are no refunds on this course. All Zoom calls are recorded and will be posted within 48 hours for you to watch on your own in case you have to miss a meeting. Please be sure you wish to purchase before doing so!

Get started now!